At The LEAD Group, we are regularly asked questions by the public. Here’s one we received about Industrial Lead Paint Management in Australia.
My company is looking at finding a course that would entitle our business to remove and handle lead based paint. Are you able to give me any information on relevant courses?
Dear Madam,
If your enquiry is about residential/domestic lead paint removal training courses, please let me know.
This Info Pack is about Class 5 Certification with the PCCP (Painting Contractors Certification Program) for industrial lead paint management training and certification. PCCP is run by the CSIRO (federal government).
PCCP certifies industrial/commercial paint management classes 1- 6.
Class 5 is Hazardous Paints including leaded paints.
Only companies (painting contracting firms) can be accredited, and PCCP keeps a register of companies so accredited.
Class 5 (Hazardous Paint Removal) Accreditation Requirements
It is however a requirement for Class 5 accreditation (hazardous paint removal) that:
- The firm employs at least one person who has completed an endorsed course in Lead Paint Management, and
- That a person who has completed this course (and who has other appropriate skills and experience) is appointed as responsible person for each project involving removal of hazardous paint.
For more information, please refer to the CSIROs website.
Painting Contractors Certification
You will find the list of PCCP Training Courses by recognised providers here.
This CSIRO page shows that your closest Class 5 trainer for both Responsible Person for Industrial Lead Paint Management (ILPM) and for the ILPM Refresher (required every two years), is now Surface Coatings Association Australia (SCAA), who run the 3 day training course online and you can
Regarding training costs, you’ll see at the above link that it is:
- Responsible Person for Hazardous Paint Management 3-Day Online FULL Course: $1,150 (plus GST) per person as at October 2023.
Listing and Partnership with Us
Once a responsible person from your company has completed the FULL SCAA Course, we would be happy to list you for free at:
- The LEAD Group’s Queensland Painters with lead paint management training page
- The LEAD Group’s All Painters with lead paint management training page
As well, if you would like to become a Partner in our Lead Safe World Project as a Corporate Member, we can include the following on our Lead Safe World website:
- A paragraph listing your company’s connections to lead-safety
- Your company logo
- A link to your website.
Our Corporate Membership is $132 per annum (or the discounted $100 per annum if your company also belongs to another organisation with lead-safety aims compatible with The LEAD Group’s vision).
Once certified, you can become a Corporate Member here.
All the best.
Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth O’Brien
Winner of the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) World Environment Day (WED) Award for Outstanding Service to the Environment