
Direct Bank Transfer

Prefer to Pay by Direct Bank Transfer?

direct bank transfer

If you’d like to pay via direct bank transfer, then you can!

Our banking details are below.

Once you’ve paid, please send us an electronic copy of the bank receipt along with your order details. The easiest way to do this is by filling in the Contact form.

Account Name: The LEAD Group LEAD
BSB: 812170
Account Number: 101078452

Donate via Bank Transfer

Are you making a donation?

Firstly, we’d like to say a big thank you to you for this! Your donation makes a massive difference to our work in creating a lead-safe world.

Secondly, we invite you to please make your donation via bank transfer (so money is not lost in PayPal fees).

Details for making a tax-deductible donation to LEAF by EFT:

Account name: The LEAD Group Inc LEAF
BSB: 812170
Account No: 101078454

Please also include a transaction description in the following format.

Transaction Description: [Your Company/Name] Donation

Once your transaction is complete, please send us an electronic copy of the bank receipt so that we can send you a receipt for tax purposes. The easiest way to do this is by filling in the Contact form.