Many thanks to our sponsor , all our entrants and the VAP 2021 Judge, James Wood!
Note: this list shows the Volcano Art Prize (VAP) 2021 entries, in the order that they appeared on the website (see the number preceding each image below) when the VAP 2021 Judge, James Wood, judged them. James’ comments, high commendations and decisions on the First Prize winner of the $400 cash prize, and the winners of the 30 Pictureproducts mugs from our sponsor , as well as the winner of the People’s Choice cash prize of $200 have been marked as appropriate on this list.
Artist: Claire Leight
Title: Lead free playground
Lead-Safety Message: Take your kids to the ocean – there is no lead in sand.
Description of work: iPhone photo URL:
2. mug winner!
Artist: Leanne Norwood
Title: Fight to keep your community safe from lead
Lead-Safety Message: Fight to keep your community safe from lead
Description of Work: photo URL:
3. mug winner!
Artist: Leanne Norwood
Title: Fight for a lead sustainable future
Lead-Safety Message: Fight for a lead sustainable future
Description of Work: photo with label
4. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Ananda Card
Title: Not what you’d think
Lead-Safety Message: There’s no way to know if soil is safe without testing it.
Description of Work: Image created with iPhone and apps
5. mug winner!
Artist: Maddison Taylor, Age: 12 years
Title: Spider Monkey
Lead-Safety Message: Look out for lead – its all around us.
Description of work: Creative PL Artist Collection graphite drawing pencils on paper.URL:
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title: Keep kids lead safe rule
Lead-Safety Message: Just as “don’t eat mushrooms unless an expert tells you’re they’re not poisonous” is a good rule, so “Keep kids lead safe” is a good rule for life.
Description of Work: iPhone photos collaged in Word and saved and resized in Paint URL:
Artist: Claire Leight
Title: Noela Whitton and Elizabeth O’Brien
Lead-Safety Message: Two generations campaigning to remove lead from the world.
Description of Work: Timer iPhone photo with photo of Glebe Tram Sheds wall art collaged in Word and Paint
8. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Dennis Leight
Title: Two planes
Lead-Safety Message: Aviation Fuel – The Last Lead Frontier
Description of Work: Photo Montage
9. mug winner!
Artist: Shristi Lohani
Title: Give her wings to fly in a lead safe world!
Lead-Safety Message: Stones, paving and grass all make excellent barriers to protect young children from any lead that might be in the soil.
Description of Work: Digital photo, flipped and mirrored in Paint.
10. mug winner!
Artist: Shristi Lohani
Title: Beware of the lead paint in kids toys
Lead-Safety Message: Let’s be careful we are not handing lead painted toys to our kids
Description of Work: Digital photo.
11. mug winner!
Artists: Francis, Berkeley and Rosemary Card. Ages: 5, 3, 1
Title: Superheroes in a Leaded World
Lead-Safety Message: Teaching our kids to overcome their exposures and be ambassadors of a safer world to come
Description of Work: Iphone photos + PicsArt app
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title: Vale Noela Whitton
Lead-Safety Message: My mother raised me to love art which inspired me to create Volcano Art Prize (VAP). I hope my mother’s VAP entries inspire other people to create art and lead awareness into their 90s too.
Description of Work: Noela Whitton’s VAP entries collaged using Word and Paint
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien.
Title: Burned car.
Lead-Safety Message: Burning a car beside the road or anywhere should be illegal. Even if the leaded steel fuel tank doesn’t explode, the air pollution is highly toxic and molten lead and ash from the lead acid battery, radiator, vibration dampening, waste oil, paint, foam seats, interior plastics, etc, will remain on the soil until collected and taken to a hazardous waste dump.
Description of Work: iPhone 8 photos collaged using Word and Paint.URL:
14. mug winner! Judge’s comment: Wakaflex was introduced to Oz circa 2004.
Artist: Jason Fargie
Title: Beware Lead Flashing on Your Roof
Lead-Safety Message: Replace lead flashing with non-lead flashing like Wakaflex, in order to reduce lead in rainwater and stormwater.
Description of work: Mobile phone photos collaged together in Paint. URL:
Artist: Claire Leight
Title of Image: Lead is Scary
Lead-Safety Message: Lead is SCARY and it contaminates many of these “Fun Things”
Description of Work: Iphone Photo URL:
16. mug winner!
Artist: Lyndal Davies
Title: Lightning strikes
Lead-Safety Message: When lead contamination affects your family, it’s like being struck by Lightning.
Description of work: Photo taken with an Olympus OMD-EM1 Camera.URL:
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title: Why is lead mandatory in Oz Propolis?
Lead-Safety Message: You can advocate to stop the Australian Poisons Standard permitting lead in “Propolis products” (which states lead is “mandatory”) at or at least ensure lead is required to be listed as an ingredient.
Description of Work: iPhone 8 photos collaged using Powerpoint. URL:
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title: Better to go grey than be leaded
Lead-Safety Message: You can advocate to stop the Australian Poisons Standard permitting lead in “hair cosmetics” (hair-colour-restorers which turn grey hair/beards black) at
Description of Work: iPhone 8 photo. URL:
19. mug winner!
Artist: Jo Lia.
Title: DIY Bathtub Disaster.
Lead-Safety Message: Lead – Often found where you least expect it. The LEAD Group recommends children not touch dusty surfaces with more than 12 ug/m2 lead but this bath had a dust wipe result of 3200 ug/m2 lead when I collected the sample using a LEAD Group Kit. URL of short film:
Description of Work: Video – short film uploaded on YouTube.URL:
20. mug winner!
Artist: Alex Jewson
Title: We’re growing beans, carrots and basil
Lead-Safety Message: I already know that I have to wash the garden soil off my hands before I help mummy make my favourite chilli basil chicken!
Description of work: iPhone photo URL:
21. mug winner!
Artist: Gary Keller
Title: Where toddlers go to cut their teeth on lead
Lead-Safety Message: Lead emissions from general aviation planes at Reid-Hillview Airport have raised the blood lead levels of children living close-by, and prompted local authorities to propose closing down the airport – which will be the world’s first airport closure due to lead.
Description of Work: Photos made in to a poster.
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title: Most piston-engine planes can use non-leaded fuel.
Lead-safety Message: Nearly 70% of US piston-engine aircraft can use unleaded MOGAS or MOGAS-alternative eg 82UL while 30% of US general aviation aircraft can potentially use AGE85, an ethanol-based fuel.
Description of work: China wax pencil, recycled highlighter, lead pencil on a 70/30% background made with Derwent Aquarelle pencils. URL:
23. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Joseph Lee.
Title: There’s no leaded pigments in computer art!
Lead-Safety Message: As of 1st October 2021 paint with more than 90 ppm lead can no longer be sold in Australia. Exceptions: anti-fouling & anti-corrosion paints can contain 1000 ppm lead until 1st October 2023; adult’s artists paints can contain any amount of lead with no phase-out date planned.
Description of Work: Selfies taken on OnePlus Nord android mobile phone camera, modified and panelled in Picas (art photo/picture filter Android app), flipped and collaged using Paint.URL:
24. mug winner!
Artist: Leo Manttan.
Age: 2 years
Title: Toddlers and toxics don’t mix
Lead-safety message: In Australia, the Mandatory Toy Standard ensures that all art and craft supplies intended for use by children under 12 years of age are non-toxic. All countries need similar standards or legislation.
Description of Work: Drawing with non-toxic texta on paper. URL:
25. mug winner!
Artist: Lucinda Curran.
Title: Supporting Detoxification.
Lead-Safety Message: Our bodies are designed to remove toxicants, such as lead. However, in the presence of stress, our ability to detoxify reduces. A bit like a seesaw, as stress increases, detoxification decreases. And as stress decreases, detoxification increases. Sound Healing triggers the relaxation response, which therefore supports our natural healing abilities by reducing stress. This can also help our bodies reduce toxic load and may be useful in reducing lead levels.
Description of Work: Digital Art. URL:
25. mug winner!
Artist: Tim Pye
Title: It’s Everywhere
Lead-Safety Message: It can seem lead is everywhere, but let’s fix the worst first.
Description of Work: Shoe polish on a cupboard door post-processed with Adobe Lightroom.
27. mug winner!
Artist: Helen Hao.
Age: 8
Title: Blue Mountains
LEAD-Safety Message: Because trees take up lead from the soil, bushfire smoke from the Black Summer bushfires in the Blue Mountains added lead to Sydney soil, dust and sediments.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Coloured pencil drawing URL:
28. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Helen Hao.
Age: 8
Title: A fish called Pumpkin
LEAD-Safety Message: Pumpkin is thinking: I wish my owner filled my tank from a stainless steel tap, not a brass tap, so my water was pure and lead-free like where I was born.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Coloured pencil drawing URL:
29. mug winner!
Artist: Helen Hao
Age: 8Title: Bunny
LEAD-Safety Message: We can protect all our pets from lead-contaminated soil by testing soil for lead with a LEAD Group Kit then replacing the soil if needed.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Coloured pencil drawing URL: mug winner!
Artist: Christopher Nguyen
Age: 10
Title: Beware lead in volcano ash
LEAD-Safety Message: The ash and smoke from volcanoes can contain as much lead as the lava. When leaded AvGas is banned and lead industry emissions are reduced, volcanoes will again become the major source of lead in the earth’s atmosphere.
School: Creative Einstein.
Description of work: Computer art.URL:
31. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Aurelia Jeffrey
Age: 11
Title: Tawny Frogmouth
LEAD-Safety Message: A wise tawny frogmouth doesn’t eat any lead-contaminated soil when they eat worms, slugs, snails, bugs, beetles, wasps, ants, centipedes, millipedes, and scorpions found on the ground.
School: Creative Einstein.
Description of work: Charcoal drawing URL:
32. Highly commended – mug winner!
Artist: Liza Tripathi
Age: 10
Title: I choose to live on a healthy planet
LEAD-Safety Message: The survival of the human race depends on everyone choosing a bank and superannuation fund that does not invest in polluting industries, lead mining, fossil fuels, overfishing or deforestation.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Non-toxic water colour on acid-free paper URL:
33. First Prize Winner!! And mug winner! Judge’s comment: provides a powerful message and simple but powerful drawing.
Artist: Liza Tripathi
Age: 10
Title: Earth is our only home
LEAD-Safety Message: Planet earth needs our protection. I’m dreaming of planting billions of trees, having a sunset clause on all leaded products to phase them out, and the end of burning fossil fuels.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Non-toxic water colour on acid-free paper URL:
34. mug winner
Artist: Liza Tripathi
Age: 10
Title: A treehouse on my mind
LEAD-Safety Message: Whether you’re dreaming of re-painting your treehouse or your home, always test for lead first and don’t ever dry-sand lead paint!
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Non-toxic water colour and lead pencil on acid-free paper URL:
35. mug winner
Artist: Kiara Nguyen
Age: 9
Title: Through my eyes
LEAD-Safety Message: Only eat cooked wild mushrooms if an adult expert identifies them as edible. Don’t eat any mushrooms found growing in city soil which could be lead-contaminated.
School: Creative Einstein
Description of work: Non-toxic water colour on acid-free paper URL:
36. mug winner
Artist: Liza Tripathi
Age: 10
Title: Help me! Please! Healthy! Clean!
LEAD-Safety Message: Our planet needs us to stop burning fossil fuels, to have all the leaded dust, soil and sediments cleaned up to increase biodiversity and help us be smart enough to reverse climate change.
School: Creative Einstein.
Description of work: Non-toxic water colour on acid-free paper. URL:
37. Highly commended!
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Celebration of the end of the 100 year reign of Leaded Petrol globally
Lead-Safety Message: After 35 Years, Global Leaded Petrol Phaseout which began in Japan in 1986 has finally ended in Algeria in July 2021. Next phaseout required: Leaded Aviation Fuel!
Description of Work: Collage (made in Paint) of progressive highlighter drawing dedicated to Noela Whitton. URL:
38. mug winner
Artist: Rose Lennon
Age: 7
Title: Women protesting against polluting vehicle fuels
Lead-Safety Message: In the mid-1990s I drew this when The LEAD Group was campaigning to ban leaded petrol so that every mother could spend less time cleaning up lead dust and more time playing with their children.
Description of Work: Pen drawing. URL:
39. mug winner
Artist: Monika Mangal.
Title: Switch your Lead Lipstick to Lead free.
Lead-Safety Message: I’ve Switched my “Maybelline” Lipstick to natural “Urban color London” Lipstick and other Lead cosmetics to Lead free cosmetics at right time. Lead and other trace metals may be found in many lipsticks, these occur naturally and can accidentally contaminate other ingredients during production. As contaminants are not added intentionally they will not be listed as ingredients. But it’s good to change it over the period of time. The lead levels ranged from 0.09 to 3.06 ppm, with the highest levels found in lipsticks made by Cover Girl, L’Oreal, and Revlon, Maybelline.
Description of Work: clicked by iPhone xr. URL:
40. Highly commended!
Artist: Elizabeth O’Brien.
Title: Lead and Webs are Silent Invisible Killers
Lead-Safety Message: When a cicada is caught in an invisible web, it struggles loudly until the spider kills it. But when lead kills, mostly, neither the patient nor the doctors know the cause of death. Lead poisoning is a silent invisible killer.
Description of Work: iPhone9 Photos collaged in Powerpoint & Paint URL:
41. People’s Choice Winner! Congratulations Faridah for getting the most Facebook Likes thus raising more lead-awareness than any other entry in VAP 2021! mug winner!
Artist: Faridah Hussein Were
Title: Lead Exposure during Informal Automobile Painting Activities
Lead-Safety Message: Ban use of lead in automobile paint to protect human health and environment
School Name: Chemistry Department, University of Nairobi
Description of Work: This is one of the power point presentations in the virtual East African Community workshop during the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action on 29th October 2020. The photo depicts preparation of lead painted automobile metal surfaces through sanding in open garages in residential areas. These activities result in substantial exposure to the environment, workers and communities in the vicinities. Research was also carried out and found that the automobile paints sold in the nearby retail shops had markedly high levels of lead that exceeded the 90 ppm limit set by the East African Paint and Allied Product Standards. The photo justifies why export, import, use or sale of lead in automobile paints should be banned across the region by enforcing the East African Paint Standards of 90 ppm maximum total lead in paint. URL: