Leaded Aviation Fuel in the US: Did you know…?
That in the US, leaded fuel for motor vehicles was banned nearly 25 years ago and yet –
“The use of leaded avgas [aviation gas/fuel] persists in approximately 170,000 piston-engine aircraft spread across some 20,000 airports nationwide. Emissions from these aircraft are responsible for about 70% of lead released into the atmosphere.”
Photo: Two Planes by Dennis Leight. VAP entry https://leadsafeworld.com/LAN-two-planes
The US EPA recently came to a decision after a community petition urging emission standards to reduce lead pollution from these aircraft, impacting children and causing severe health issues.
Over 5 million, including 360,000+ children, reside near these sites, facing heightened lead exposure risks. “Most general aviation airports with the highest lead emissions are located in communities of color.”
— Get further details (Fitzgerald 2023 EPA Issues Endangerment Finding for Leaded Aviation Gas) https://leadsafeworld.com/LAN-aviation-fuel
Closer to home, the Australian government is currently consulting with stakeholders on this very topic… and has produced a Green Paper to which people can respond.
— We’ve sent through our submission urging the government to consider the health of communities living near general aviation airports as well as pilots and refuelling staff.
— Find the Green Paper here https://leadsafeworld.com/LAN-avgas
#EPA #LeadAviationGasoline #LeadPollution #PublicHealth #TheLEADGroup #LeadPoisoningPrevention #AirQuality #Earthjustice #ProtectingCommunities