There are many things that could be done to reduce the prevalence of lead exposure in the UK. Many would not be expensive.
- Home surveys to including warnings, or tests
- Establish a ‘lead safe’ training and certification scheme for painters and builders
- Establish post-work lead clearance standards
- Antique shops to provide warnings on furniture, ceramics, doors, toys, etc.
- Stock testing kits
- Provide free paint stirrers with warnings, e.g.

- All vacuum cleaners to feature HEPA filters
- Paint containers to have better warnings explaining what precautions to take and where to find more information, e.g. PaintSafe.
- Abrasives to have warnings on papers and packaging
- Power sanders to have warnings on packaging
- Paint stripper to warn that lead could be left exposed
- Phase out leaded fuel from light aircraft engines
- Exclude lead stabilisers from imported PVC, windows, pipes and cables
- Door dippers to provide warnings
- Double glazing installers to provide warnings where lead decoration is applied especially if accessible to children
- Test schools for lead in paint, dust and water
- Extend Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) to adults
- Implement equivalent of US ‘Renovation, Repair and Painting’ standard
- Lower CLAW suspension, action and surveillance levels
- Improve DEFRA advice on DIY
- Fix the DEFRA lead website
- DEFRA or NHS to provide a help line
- Bring forward legislation to ban lead in road markings
- Ban lead in light aircraft
- Phase out lead shot, bullets and propellant in recreational shooting
- GPs to be taught to recognise BLLs lower than the normal range as dangerous
- Public Health England to conduct research into UK blood lead levels
- Introduce screening of children for elevated blood lead levels particularly those living in older homes or urban areas. See The Scafell Project.