
Asbestos Detection (add-on)


Asbestos Detection can be done in building materials, paint, soil and dust samples.

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Asbestos Detection (add-on)

Asbestos Detection is an add-on to your Lead Testing Kits.

What is it?

If you think there could be asbestos in your paint, soil, ceiling dust, vacuum dust surface dust wipe or building material, the lab’s powerful microscope is used to look for asbestos in that sample.

We send you the instructions for safely collecting samples and we provide the lab’s finding by email.


  1. Simply select which Lead Testing Kit you’d like – 1-Sample, 2-Sample or 8-Sample. Purchase a Posted Kit if you want to test a surface dust wipe for lead, whereas all the other sample types above can be tested for lead with an Emailed Kit
  2. Purchase as many Asbestos Detection add-ons that you think you’ll need. You can always return to the shop during the actual sampling and purchase this Add-on later, as needed.
  3. Note which sample/s you’d like to use this add-on for on your chain of custody (document you email us once you’ve completed collecting your samples)


LEAD Group Kits are the only ones available in Australia for testing a wide variety of sample types for lead and other metals as well as for detecting asbestos at a lab (which charges us a charity rate so you pay less).

You take the samples and send them to Sydney Analytical Labs.

The lab will find either “Asbestos Detected” or “Asbestos Not Detected” and we email you their report when we email the Interpretation and Comments on your Lead Result for the Sample/s.

Additional information

Asbestos Detection Options

Asbestos add-on, Swap Asbestos for Lead

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