
Lead Poisoning… The Perfect Predator

Lead Poisoning… The Perfect Predator is a *must-watch* video as it tells the stories of children who have been lead poisoned and how they could have been protected by taking precautionary steps.

🌰 In a nutshell, the best course of action is to test your home for lead… 🧪

✅ Testing (or screening) your home is a preventative action –

✅ And better to test BEFORE anyone has been poisoned.

✅ “Prevention is better than cure”, right?! 👌

Lead Poisoning… The Perfect Predator (the video)

As Kelly J. Mikullitz, attorney points out in the video, “testing properties prevents the exposure altogether… [lead poisoning is] 100% preventable…”

She says that in the jurisdictions which require screening of homes for lead, there’s been a huge reduction in the lead levels of children “because we’re not waiting until a child is poisoned to find the problems. This is a predator in your home…”

🤔 How do you test your home?

With a LEAD Group test kit – these are DIY sampling kits, and samples are sent to a NATA accredited lab for analysis. We then interpret the results, provide comments and guidance for you on what steps to take. 😊

Easy, right?

🔗 Here’s the link to get your hands on a LEAD Group Test Kit: https://leadsafeworld.com/shop/ 

Here’s our How To video on testing

Watch it on YouTube here.

Got a question? Reach out to us here.

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