

  1. Two child cases plus two leaded products plus two LEAD Group Kits equals Lead Action News
  2. Lead Poisoning of Our 3 Children by Reuse Painted Timber Dining Table
  3. Can the lead poisoning of a 3 yr old in Australia help end Ayurvedic lead poisoning globally
  4. HCCC NSW Ayurveda Doctor Rama Prasad – Interim Prohibition Order 18 Sept 2020
  5. HCCC NSW Public Warning about Heavy Metals in Manasamithra Vatika Ayurvedic Medicine 18 Sept 2020
  6. TGA Australia Manasmithra Vatika (Manasamitram Pills) Ayurvedic medicine Safety Advisory 25 Sept 2020
  7. 96 PubMed articles on lead & other heavy metal poisoning from Ayurvedic medicines Sept 2020
  8. The LEAD Group Fact Sheet – Health Impacts of Lead Poisoning Sept 2020
  9. The LEAD Group Fact Sheet – Health Impacts of Lead Poisoning Sept 2020 CHINESE
  10. Health Effects of PbB Level Below 10 ug per dL & Even Below 1 ug per dL Sept 2020
  11. Lead is an issue beyond Childhood re Lanphear et al 2018
  12. Lead in Literature – Walt Whitman The World Below the Brine
  13. The Scafell Project – Screen Children At-risk For Elevated Lead Levels
  14. Vote for the People’s Choice Prize in Volcano Art Prize 2020
  15. Citizen Science Project LeadSafe Vs Sugarsoap for Cleanup after Lead Paint Removal
  16. JustOne Lead Soldier Is what Tamara Rubin reports on her blog fear-mongering
  17. JustOne Lead Soldier What I have learned about lead, part 2a – Lead Balloon
  18. Freese Industrial Strength Denial Ch 4 Chapter Review – by Theresa Gordon
  19. Freese Ch 4 Leaded Gasoline in Industrial-Strength Denial May 2020 Extracts
  20. Mt Isa Resident Letter to The LEAD Group October 2019
  21. Mt Isa Resident Letter Enclosures to The LEAD Group October 2019
  22. Mt Isa Resident Letter Enclosures to The LEAD Group April 2020
  23. Mt Isa Living with Lead Alliance – Lead and Your Mob flyer 2020
  24. ACCC Media Release Voluntary battery stewardship scheme granted authorisation