
LANv19n4 – Contents

  1. Call for Volcano Art Prize 2019 Entries
  2. Convocatoria de entradas al Premio Volcano de Arte!
  3. Appel à candidatures pour le Prix d’Art Volcano!
  4. Editorial
  5. Kenana and Sherouk Associations in Upper Egypt mark ILPPWA 2018
  6. Las Asociaciones Kenana y Sherouk en el Alto Egipto califican exitosamente a ILPPWA 2018
  7. Les associations Kenana et Sherouk en Haute-Égypte marquent l’ILPPWA 2018
  8. تقرير عن الاحتفال بالاسبوع العالمي لمكافحة التسمم بالرصا
  9. Request from The LEAD Group to be considered as a Partner in the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint
  10. Petición del Grupo LEAD para ser considerado como un Socio en la Alianza Mundial para Eliminar las Pinturas con Plomo
  11. Demande du groupe LEAD d’être considérée comme partenaire de l’Alliance mondiale pour l’élimination de la peinture au plomb
  12. Recognition of the Lead Education and Abatement Design (LEAD) Group Inc, as a partner in the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint
  13. Reconocimiento del Grupo “Educación sobre el Plomo y Diseño para su Reducción” (LEAD) Group Inc, como un socio en la Alianza Mundial para la Eliminación de las Pinturas con Plomo
  14. Reconnaissance du groupe LEAD (« Lead Education and Abatement Design »), en tant que partenaire de « Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint »
  15. Global Lead Paint Alliance Partners Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (GAELP) Current Partners
  16. Lead Safe World UK contacts the British Coatings Federation (BCF)
  17. Garnering support for a UK ban on lead ammunition
  18. Leaded consumer products purchasable in the UK
  19. About Lead Safe World UK’s letter to Duncan Selbie, Public Health England
  20. Letter and Email to Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive, Public Health England
  21. Letter to the editor re: the CDC blood lead reference value for children
  22. Info Pack – Blood-taking “hints” for blood lead monitoring and management
  23. Info Pack – Blood-taking “hints” for blood lead monitoring and management
  24. Info Pack – “Conseils” pour la prise de sang pour la surveillance et la gestion de la plombémie
  25. Info Pack – Nutrition to fight lead poisoning / detox heavy metals
  26. Paquete de Información. Nutrición para combatir la intoxicación con plomo / Desintoxicación de metales pesados
  27. Info Pack – Nutrition pour lutter contre l’intoxication par le plomb et la détoxication des métaux lourds
  28. Deleading with healthy lifestyle interventions Lead detox with saunas, lemon, garlic, greens, etc after eradicating potential current lead exposure
  29. Obituary: Wayne Jeffrey Askew
  30. Obituary: Lloyd Smythe – co-author of the “end-of-leaded-petrol-in-Oz” study
  31. Obituary: Professor Lloyd Smythe
  32. “Local Heroes” book launch speech from 2002
  33. Fungi protect trees by removing heavy metals from soil
  34. Lead petrol pollution history traced through Australian lichens & fungi
  35. Beware of Lead Poisoning in Cattle
  36. Check out the requirements re: Lead, in the Queensland Public Health Act 2005
  37. Pregnant women and parents misled about dangers of living with lead pollution